:: Act4nature ::

How to join act4nature international?

1. Write up your company’s individual commitments. They should:

  • Meet the SMART criteria (specific, measurable, additional, realistic and time-bound) ;
  • Present the key insights drawn from your materiality analysis to showcase your commitments’ relevance ;
  • Apply the “comply or explain” principle; all common commitments should be translated into at least one individual commitment unless explained.

2. Send your individual commitments to: engagement@act4nature.com for them to be reviewed by act4nature international partners (at least one business network, one NGO and one scientific body). They will assess the SMART nature of your company’s individual commitments.

3. Plan to be able to discuss your commitments with act4nature partners and update them consequently.

4. Once validated by the act4nature international Steering Committee (Partners and committed companies), plan to have your CEO sign both the common commitments and your individual commitments.

A participation to act4nature funding is requested up to €3k excl. VAT for a company submitting commitments for the first time and €2k excl. VAT for a company wishing to update its commitments.

The partners who review the commitments do so on a voluntary basis.


The next deadline for submitting individual commitments is January 14, 2025 (see the schedule below).


To help you in this process, you can:

Feel free to contact engagement@act4nature.com should you need additional information or guidance!